VILLAGE DEATHCARE © Anne-Marie Keppel Today, I am concerned with the village. Our own small village of our immediate surroundings and the role that we play out as death doulas in relation to our neighbors and the natural environment and life cycles within our community. But, the word community in terms of deathcare is getting a real reaming on the washing board at present. The grassroots movement to reclaim deathcare in a way that is for the people, by the people has churned into a rich and creamy butter that has caught the eye of those seeking . The seeking consist of those desiring organization, or skills, or common language, or money, or expertise. The movement to reclaim started at the deep ancestral root of ancient work and is now being spread thinly in online forums, around board discussions and mass marketed lovely shrouds and cool ways to dispose of a body. The death positivity movement is a trend that's hard to keep up with and a new expert is popping up every oth...