When Does Death Nesting Become Necessary?

©Anne-Marie keppel When Does Death Nesting Become Necessary? When we arrive alive here on earth, we are guaranteed only one thing: we will die. We may not be loved, cared for, or fed, but we will one day die. We may be very well loved, abundantly nourished, supremely cared for, and yet we will die. Why not then, befriend death as it is our very closest mortal companion. Death Nesting is how you live your life. It is the attention you pay to your breath, your walk, how you experience taste, whether or not you take offense to someone forgetting your name or how you react when being cut off in traffic. It’s the challenges you accept and the allowances you give to yourself and others in times of stress or grieving or when your children are driving you bonkers. Death Nesting is fully and deeply living your life because of death . Death Nesting is what you do to prepare for your time of death — whether it is sudden or prolonged, your death will impact your commun...