Human Composting Interview

Tom Gilbert owner of Black Dirt Farm in Stannard, Vermont gives a quick overview of what composting humans in Vermont might look like. Human Composting has recently been made legal in Washington State and it won't be long before other States follow suit. There are many considerations and by no means is this interview the extent of Gilbert's knowledge or thoughts regarding human composting. This is however, a good start to the conversation. Human Composting Interview with Black Dirt Farm By Anne-Marie Keppel of Corpus Compost, Stardust Meadow & Village Deathcare Do you feel like most people in Vermont are familiar with composting enough to not completely flinch at the idea of human composting? Or, do you think this prospect would confuse or scare them? Gilbert: I think vermonters have a high degree of composting literacy, however human composting is more of a cultural stretch and less of an intellectual issue. I do think its a very doable sell b...