Echolocating Death

A couple of months ago on a gorgeous summer evening I had this amazing encounter with a bat. It really moved me so I did what most ridiculous people do these days and I posted on social media. “I just happened upon a bat trapped in my living room. I was so startled I dropped the hummus I was carrying. Swiftly, I fully opened the outside door, leaving the lights off and lay down on my back to watch echolocation in action. What a perfectly elegant creature... Swooping, signaling, receiving and exiting. No drama. They are quiet, gentle animals and I’m thrilled that they’re dwelling near my house” There were a great deal of “likes” and support for my statement but one woman asked me later, “How could you do that?” Confused I asked her what she meant and she replied, “Most people panic and freak out. Even the ones that don’t freak out definitely do not see it as something amazing or beautiful.” I thought about this before I replied to her. ...