The Ghosts of Residential Care

A Psychopomp is someone who can help one transition from the land of the living to the land of the dead. The Greek word “pompos” means guide and “psyche” is also Greek for breath, life soul or mind . In the Death Doula uprising, Psychopomp or soul care is just one of the many things a Death Doula can be trained in. Shaman have long been doing this work and many other groups and religions also have those whose job it is to escort the spirit or the soul to a particular place after death. Since I am presently alive and do not recall anything before I was born, and I do not presume to know what will happen to “me” after I die, I do not solidly believe one thing or another. I don’t know about an after-life or the after life or bridges that must be crossed to realms that need to be sought. I don’t know about souls or spirits or ghosts or haunted houses. I don’t know about heaven or hell or places where the dead convene. But I do know that variations of all of those e...