Death In Advance: Working With the Live Bits

From the womb, the baby opened her eyes, and saw through stretched skin patches of light… So contrary to the darkness when she closed her eyes. And when she worked her way through the birth canal, she was squeezed so hard that when she was free from constriction, the freedom of movement shocked her. Indeed, she knew nothing other than perfect temperature, until the earth’s atmosphere weighed on and prickled her skin which made her startle and cry. Her own voice never before heard, was a foreign experience after having never used her vocal chords. After the labor, when the mother sighed a breath of relief and held this precious and perfect brand new baby in her arms, did she realize that she had given birth to not only a live human child, but also a human death? When she was growing this eager and vibrant fetus in her womb, did she realize that in that very creation, the exact thing that was becoming life , could not exist without also having a death? The moment li...